This is a nice wand made from amethyst crystal. It has a small clear quartz crystal ball mounted at one end, and a clear crystal point at the other. It has white metal bands around it inlaid with small stones.
Please note that the sizes can vary quite a lot from wand to wand, and although the wand will be similar to the one in the picture it will vary from it. This is due to the nature of the natural materials used and is unfortunately unavoidable.
The actual length will be between 150mm and 180mm.
Mohs Hardness: 7
Heals: Addiction, Alcohol, Asthma, Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Migraine, OCD, Pain, Smoking, Stress, Travel Sickness, Weight Loss
Helps: Balance, Decision, Heath & Immunity, Peace, Protection - Fire, Protection - Theft
Balances: Breasts, Pancreas
Zodiac: Aquarius Jan20-Feb18, Aries Mar21-Apr19, Pisces Feb19-Mar20, Sagittarius Nov22-Dec21