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Accessing the Archaic Powers of the Universal Mind. Using the altered state of ecstatic trance to access the memories of the Universal Mind, Nicholas Brink takes us back to ancient Scandinavia, to the time of the epic of Beowulf to re-experience life, magic and shamanic practices.
Taoism, the Power of Gold, and the Quest for Immortality. The tradition of Chinese alchemy dates back to 3,000 B.C. This book looks at its origins, the quest for gold and immortality, the role of minerals and plants, medicines, astrology, yoga, and magic in Chinese alchemy and much more.
and Other Occult Writings from La Fleche. An anthology of articles from the Russian mystic, Maria de Naglowska, on the `Third Term of the Trinity`, a religious system which considered the Holy Spirit of Christianity to be feminine and taught the importance of sex for the upliftment of humanity.
A mystical, sexually magical novella written by Maria de Naglowska–the Russian mystic and esoteric high priestess of 1930s Paris. Her religious system, called the Third Term of the Trinity, taught the importance of sex for the upliftment of humanity.
Hermetic Initiations in the Western Mystery Tradition. A practical guide to pathworking and other esoteric techniques from the ancient mystery schools predating Christianity, this work reveals practical knowledge of mystery traditions previously guarded by secret societies.
A Sourcebook. In this collection of essays, Gareth Knight discusses aspects of his own magical experiences. From speaking with angels, the Qabalah and an interesting take on the archetypes represented by Sir Walter Raleigh and the Princess Pocahontas.
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Encaustic Art Basics - 80 Pages
Encaustic Painting Iron - 240v 180w
Encaustic Art Stylus Pro
Encaustic Art Starter Set - Gift Box
Rainbow Kingdom