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Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Oracle

Product TA115 image

Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Oracle

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This deck of 50 beautifully designed cards with its accompanying guide book was created by John Holland to assist you in getting support, comfort and divine guidance from Spirit, your loved ones, family, ancestors, friends, guides and helpers in the Spirit World. These cards will also help you to develop a higher awareness of Spirit and remind you that you are never truly alone.

John Holland, internationally renowned psychic medium, has been lecturing, teaching, demonstrating and reading for private clients for over 20 years.

Product Id X24288
Product Code TA115
Category 1
Tarot Card
Author John Holland
EAN 9781401940263
ISBN-13 978-1-4019-4026-3
ISBN-10 1-4019-4026-9
Weight 346g (approximately)
Size 140mm x 98mm x 44mm (approximately)


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